LADIES WORKOUT EXPRESS: 707 Nueces Street- 2,575 S.F. building on a 125′ x
150′ lot, 8 year franchise, workout equipment, land and building $148,500. PRICED
REDUCED TO $125,000. Call for details. SOLD
701 NUECES ST – GEORGE WEST 600 sq.ft. concrete block building with built-up roof. 420
sq.ft. of display area, 180 sq. ft. in 2 restrooms and stock /eqpt. room. Lot size is 100′ x 150′ on the
corner of U.S. 281 and Houston St. Fuel storage system consists of three (3) 6000 gallon fiberglass
coated steel underground tanks. Site is monitored on a monthly bases by an environmental engineering
company. Canopy is approx. 30 x 20 and 20 feet tall with lights. Great place for fast food outlet.
According to TXDOT over 6,500 auto pass this intersection every day. Sales Price: $ 95,000 .
5.6 ACRES OF LAND – Over 400 feet of frontage on U.S. 281 located on the North sideof
George West. City water, sewer, natural gas, three phase electrcity. Nursing Home road is along the
south side. PRICE: $120,000
Six year old 60′ x 80′ clear span steel hanger with 54′ x 13.5′ bi-fold door,
rear 12′ x 14′ overhead door, 48″ exhaust fan, 20′ x 40′ first floor heated/air conditioned
enclosed shop and second floor storage area. 1600 sq. ft. attached heated/ air conditioned
first class, ceramic tiled living area, large living room, nice kitchen complete with appliances,
huge bedroom, full bath, walk-in closet, large garage, with second floor storage area. Paved
street access. Great place for an FBO operation, corporate flight operation or private
home/hanger. Renewable land lease. PRICE : $250,000 Call L. T. for Details.
AIRCRAFT SHADE HANGAR – 40′ X 30′ with concrete pad, tie downs, paved access to taxi way, 20 year lease on land. Located at the Live Oak County Airport with 3,800 feet runway, lighted and paved with 24 hr. self-serve fuel. Call L. T. Davis for compelte details PRICE: $4,500.00